Thursday, July 18, 2013

Social discouragement.

Sometimes I'll post a doodle, sketch, painting, or an illustration on a social media site and it gets no likes. Then I'll see someone post a pic of a dog or of their feet and it'll get a ton of likes. It can be very discouraging. As if my art is not likable or worthy. That's why I'll often fill a sketchbook and not let a soul see what's inside. 

Clown fish!

A simple sketch while watching a show. 

Friday, July 12, 2013


Dear reader,

For the past month I've come to be aware of somethings. One of which is how open I am about everything. It's kind if dawned on me, why? Not everyone needs to know everything and what's the point of throwing all my info out there for everyone to see. Maybe its a transitioning from extro to introvert, I don't know. 

Anyways, I'll still continue to blog and be open if asked anything personal but as far as just throwing stuff out there, I think I'm going to switch it up for awhile. I'll keep to myself a little more, I'll play my cards close, guard my thoughts,  be more of an observant instead of a participator and I guess just see what happens from there. 

Its not like I'm entirely switching who I am but just wanting to keep to myself a little more. I am only human however so I may be very open from time to time but for now I'll just go with the flow.