Friday, March 15, 2013

After the Laughter

I teased someone with the blog and was told the title was a little sad. Maybe I should explain.

I've always loved the phrase "after the laughter" for what it implies. Its simple really and the old song by Wendy Rene explains it, "after laughter comes tears". I find that to be very true. Life is full of ups and downs. Normally I'm a happy person and very extroverted. I'm the type of guy that can walk up to a person, strike up a conversation, and by the end of it we'll be friends. I thrive off of people's energy. That's my laughter of life. There's so many people to learn from and talk to and so many stories to be heard.

Certain people are sometimes described as the life of the party but, life IS the party.

So what happens after?

For me, on nights when my wife is at work and I'm home alone I go to my personal mental space. I retreat to the depths of my mind. When I paint or draw I often go to that place. It's my time to reflect on everything and analyze and be harsh about myself. It's the time I worry about things and be scared. I allow myself that so that way others won't see.

So after the laughter, comes the tears.

I guess it is a bit sad, but if I'm using this blog as an outlet why not share a bit of the me that no ones ever sees? It would be better to type and let things out than to bottle up the stress and be scared alone. If the me you see in person is the laughter than this is the tears. This is what and who I am when no one is around. This is the scared little boy that hides in the strong willed happy man.

Everyone sheds the tears, I guess this is just going to be my way to show them.

Not to say this is blog will always be depressing or that it'll always be about what I'm going through, but some of that might show up from time to time. I will try to keep some laughter here despite the name.

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