Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Someone I know just recently started blogging. I hope she doesn't mind the shout out but its a cool blog so far. She only has a few entries and its great. She has a good writing style that makes it enjoyable to keep reading.

The one thing that really reached out though, the thing that hit me and made her blog stand out a bit more so than others was at the end of the first entry I read she had a list titled, "Today, I am grateful for...", and she had a few things she was grateful for. It wasn't necessarily what was on the list that struck me but the fact that she took her time out to make a list like this, and she added it to the end of every entry!

It's so common to see people rant and bitch and complain about how horrible their day was or or how hard life is but its rare to see someone stop and list things that they are grateful for. I really appreciated this and it made me stop and before I finished her list I actually said a small little prayer of everything I was thankful for.

How much better would the world be if everyone took 30 seconds out of their day to do this? Just a pause on a busy day and saying, "I'm thankful for the sun shining on my skin and making me feel warm", or something of the sort. I bet that would help a little with anxiety, or stress, or whatever...thing, someone is dealing with.

I wont copy her style and do the same to my blog but I do want to start being a little more thankful. Just at the end of the day maybe saying one thing to myself that I'm thankful for that the day has brought. It wouldn't hurt and I can see nothing but the benefit of peace, tranquility, and happiness come from it.

I know in one of the 1st posts that I said I'd close comments but they're open and I'm interested, What are YOU thankful for?

To check out her blog please visit:

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