Sunday, April 7, 2013


The last few weeks have been a test of my limits.

 It began with emotional limits. I found out a few coworkers one of which I admire have Cancer, Another person is suffering severe depression. It sucks but everyone is coping.

It continued with creative limits. A best friend came to visit on her spring break and we had a challenge, four paintings in less than a week. We did it! It was such a fun and surreal experience to be painting on the same canvas at the same time with one of your best friends. All four paintings were for her but cant wait until she visits again so we can work on paintings for me to hang in my own home. I could do them myself but they would mean more to do them together.

Yesterday was a test of physical limits. I worked a 13 hour work day in my day job not from any art related job. From the early morning til the evening I was in charge of a group of about 20 and we worked under a hard schedule. I felt like I was behind at times and that I could've done things better to be more efficient but those are lessons learned for the next time. I came home exhausted and delirious but knowing that I could do it.

It's always interesting to see how far or how WILLING a person can go when limits are being pushed.

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