Thursday, June 6, 2013

Four Fantastic Friends.

I had a horrible day today. I don't want to go into details but it just started off bad and continued that way throughout the day. The only good thing about today was the people in it that made an effort to make my day the opposite of how it was. 

My dear friend texted me and asked how my day was going and I told her about my misery. She kept texting me and all of a sudden she asked me to come outside (I was at work) and she surprised me with a box of cupcakes! I was completely shocked and have no words for how this made me feel. The fact that she stopped what she was going, went out of her way to go to a bakery, pick out flavors I might like and brought cupcakes to me was just so sweet. It totally brought some sunshine to my gloomy day. 

Another great friend, that lives quite a bit away couldn't be here to cheer me up but kept texting me throughout the day to make sure I was ok. Even our short and brief phone call made me feel better. She also offered to call again later and continued to text to make sure I was ok. The fact that she continually was looking out for me meant alot. This was also the friend that sent me a book that reminded her of me as a complete surprise. A super sweet gesture that made me elated. 

Another friend whom I haven't had a chance to talk to much lately also texted to check up on me. We chatted for a bit and although this might not sound amazing it actually was. Since we haven't talked as much as we used to it showed that she cares and that meant so much. 

And then there is my loving wife. She was there to witness the beginning of the horribleness and throughout the day made sure I was ok and tried cheering me up. She cooked dinner entirely by herself, bought me a book and even just the simple gestures of rubbing my shoulder, and giving me hugs at the right time helped so much. 

I am lucky and very blessed to have friends in my life that care and that not only say that they'll be there for me but actually show it. For as bad as this day has been, four people made a whole world of difference and made it another day to thank God for. 

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