Sunday, May 19, 2013

5/18 Gratefuls, a friendly event

This week's 5 Gratefuls will be very friend heavy. What can I say, I love my friends!

  1. I'm grateful to have two best friends. My loving wife, Andrea, who is always there for me no matter what. We've had 7 great years of marriage and a few before that of being together, and caring for one another and always having each other's best interest in mind. My other is a relatively new bestie, my friend Ayesha. It's been kismet to have become such good friends so fast and to just have so much to relate to. From the beginning of our friendship it was like we picked up from having known each other forever. I am so ever grateful to have both these extraordinary women in my life. 
  2. My great friend and little sister, Sabah. Always so fun to hang out with! She graduated with a bachelor's yesterday and I'm so proud of her. I'm very thankful and lucky to have gotten to know her and be there for her her last part of her journey through college and so glad I get to be there for her new journeys. 
  3. I'm very grateful that bf mentioned above got to come back home for the weekend. It's been a busy weekend but we've had the chance to hang out and create another bond in our friendship. It's continues to amaze me how much our friendship grows and grows. She's truly appreciated. 
  4. I appreciate my new found family. I'm lucky to have my own, my wife's family and now a third. Mom treats us amazing and is an amazing woman herself. Little brother is super cool. Tough shell exterior but now that, that has been cracked he's all convo and smiles. Then there's my two great friends. I count my blessing to have them and hard to imagine life without them now. 
  5. Lastly for this week, I just have a general appreciation for friends and family. Today is the first day I haven't hung out with anyone in a long time. Wife worked a full closing shift which is something she hasn't done in a long time. Bestie was busy so she couldn't hang out. Then the last few days was full of family and friends. To all of a sudden have no one to hang out with and be home with nothing to do just felt so...alone. I got that, "you never know what you have until you lose it" kinda feeling. Days like these definitely let me appreciate being around, not just people, but people I truly like.  

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