Sunday, May 26, 2013

5/26 5ish weekly grateful things.

This week was tough so let me see if I can even get 5 things I'm grateful for.

1. I'm grateful that I got to take my friend to the airport on Monday. We tried hanging out Sunday and early Monday but it just didn't work out. Taking her to airport Monday afternoon gave us a little but more time to hang out. Plus afterword we (wife and I) went to her house for dinner and got to spend quality time with the rest of the family and bond with her mom, sis, and brother.

2. I'm thankful for going to the Stockton Thunder game on Friday. I took my nephew and a friend and we had a great time. Thunder ended up not winning the Kelly Cup but won that night and ended up with the Bruce Taylor Trophy. It was a fun season and a lot of great memories. Cant wait til October for the next season to start!

3. I'm grateful for long weekends! Had a rough week at work so its nice to just relax and stay home and chill.

4. I'm grateful for the show Arrested Development. It's probably one of the most well written shows ever. One of my favorites and worth rewatching over and over again. It has given me plenty of laughs today so far.

5. I'm grateful for my loving wife. She can tell my moods when I'm not open about them. She knows when I'm down, hurt, happy and hungry. Yes hungry is definitely a mood! Not only does she know my mood just by seeing me or hearing my voice but she knows how to handle each one and always puts a smile on my face. I would be a mess without her.

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